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Lemezbörze,...plusz magazine keeps on writing the historybook of music after publishing the 125th printed issue. Under the aegis of the magazine musicians who turned 60 in 2012 – Attila Gidófalvy, Miklós Kocsándi, János Másik, Károly Németh, József Sáfár and András Szabó recorded The Sixties ’52: „Another 60 years (The Song Lives Within Us)” written by Mihály Juhász. The legendary first formation The Sixties ’46 (János Bródy, Tamás Berki, Mátyás Csabai, Feró Nagy, Béla Tolcsvay, László Szidor and István Varannai) has not been idle either. This team carried on in style on their 66 journey with the „Route 66” evergreen. The first performance of both songs was at the 59th International MegaBörze at Pecsa Music Hall presented by László B Tóth. The Hungarian Post opened a temporary Post Office at the site of the 59th International Megabörze and all deliveries posted from the location were stamped with a special occasional rubber stamp marking the event. This philatelic speciality is a true collectors’ curio.
The event was sponsored by: BB, Horváth Cukrászda, Jáner Hús, Kácsa Audio, Liquid Gold, MEMORY® International Kft., MI Stúdió és Kiadó Kft, Pecsa Music Hall, Roll-Lamell Kft, Dunakeszi, Semper Fidelis Hungary, Szitaprint ’89 Centrum, Villa Toscana, VirágSprint, VTCDRelevant souvenirs