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March 16th, 2008
The legendary presenter celebrated his 75th birthday in 2008. The host of popular shows such as “Csak fiataloknak” (Young people only), “Töltsön egy órát kedvenceivel” (Spend an hour with your favourites), “Rock ´n´ Rolltól a funkyig” (From Rock ´n´ Roll to Funky), “Pop-regiszter” (Pop-register), “Nagy slágerek, változó témák a popzene világából” (Hits and Various Themes from the World of Pop), “Pillantás az európai diszkóba” (A look at European Disco) and many more, accepted the Börze lifetime achievement award at the International MegaFair (MegaBörze) on March 16th, 2008. The award was presented by Mátyás Csabai, owner and chief editor of Lemezbörze,...plusz magazine. György Komjáthy prepared excitedly for accepting the award which has garnered much respect within the industry, but little did he know of the surprise party that L+ organised in his honour. The Kormorán Memory Band (Szilveszter Jenei, Gábor Kolbe, Péter Gál and József Margit) performed a song live at PeCsa, written especially for him. The band was joined by Éva Fábián, Annamária Sasvári and Erika Zoltán. Representing the younger generation with rap, two members of the Chilzim Crew (Jolie and Parad) were present. Over 50 artists joined Komjáthy on the stage during the performance hosted by László B. Tóth, including Fecó Balázs, László Benkő, Charlie, Attila Dobos, László Komár, József Meződi, Sándor Révész, János Solti, Tamás Somló, Lilla Vincze, István Vörös and many more.